Animatic (11.4mb)
Lizard Test (428kb)
Butterfly Test (484kb)
Bee Test (696kb)

For the past few months, whenever I can get a break from paying jobs and clients, I've been working on an animated tribute to one of my favorite comic book characters of all time. He goes by the handle 'Cheech Wizard' and it's created purely for the love of the medium and as a tribute to the master.

Well, it's finally finished!! Somewhat better than the pre-production stills you see here, so I'm pretty happy with it! You can download it here (server's kinda slow - about 50-60 KB/s. Sorry.):

Big, beautiful 480x360 30mb version - Requires Quicktime. 'Course, if you want a copy on your hard drive to watch at your leisure, grab it in zip compressed format here.

Smaller, but still good 320x240 18mb version - Still requires Quicktime. Again, zip format is here.

Windows Media Video 21mb version - doesn't require QT. does require Windows Media Player. Zip is here.

Many thanks to Mark, Bill, Dan, Mark, Alex and Katya (my long suffering wife). Couldn't have done it without ya!

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